Accredited by NAAC with A+ Grade Approved by AICTE - New Delhi
Affiliated to JNTUK Kakinada
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6.1 Institutional Vision and Leadership

6.1.1 The governance of the institution is reflective of and in tune with the vision and mission of the institution The NRI Institute of Technology vision and mission statement defines with the divergent, uniqueness and pleasant to fulfill the needs of all the stakeholders involved through directly or indirectly with this institution. In observance to the vision, mission and the norms of AICTE and UGC, the NRI Institute of Technology management constituted a Governing Body whose members, with their broad experience and leadership skills add to the taken as a whole growth of the institution. The Mission of the institute proposes an Academically Challenging Environment with a commitment for empowering the students and faculty. The institute implements best practices to serve as a benchmark and enable the institute to grow into an essence of values and culture. Statutory committees like Governing Body (GB), College Academic Committee (CAC) / consisting with Heads of all departments, Department Academic Committee (DAC), College Grievance Redressal Cell (CGR), Women Empowerment Cell (WDC) etc., cell/committees are construct with departments staff and Non-Statutory committees like , Admission committee, Library committee, Disciplinary committee, Academic and Administration Committee and Planning and Evaluation Committee etc., are constituted to involve the faculty in decision making and execution. The Principal initiate the rules and regulations under the guidance of the Governing Body and the College Academic Committee of the institution. He ensures the right teaching and learning academic atmosphere in the institution to support the students to become globally competitors. The CAC direct the academic planning, faculty requirement and academic load, effective utilization of classes, feedback on the teaching and learning system, result analysis, research activities and ensures to student discipline activities. It addresses infrastructural requirements, maintenance, security arrangements, coordination of events and conferences, alumni affairs, hostel, canteen, transport, and placements. The HoDs are responsible for upgrading laboratories. Feedback and ideas are invited from alumni and other stakeholders for innovation and improvement in various activities such as academics, Industry Institute Interaction and Placements etc. The senior professors, with the assistance of faculty members, act as conveners of the non-statutory committees and assist the Principal. The faculty and staff members are involved through the institutional committees in developing and implementing the decisions at various levels. The Principal and HoDs are provided with financial resources to modernize the facilities, implement new Research and Development projects, expand infrastructure, improve laboratories, library, classrooms, ICT and sports/games facilities according to the yearly plan.
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6.1.2 The effective leadership is visible in various institutional practices such as decentralization and participative management The NRI Institute of Technology believes in the practices of decentralization and participative management which endorse its vision and mission. The decentralization reflects in various functional bodies like Management, Governing Body, College Academic Committee, IQAC Committee, Administrative, NSS committees, Alumni Association, Students and Industry interaction and various committees. Management, Governing Body and IQAC, frame strategic policies and quality initiatives to be adopted. The Management develops the infrastructure of the institution to meet the requirements defined the regulatory bodies to run various programs. The management allows substantial independence to the constituted committees and accepts inputs from their expertise in decision-making. Governing body plays a key role in recommending the optimal use of resources like human, financial and infrastructural of the institute. It guides to the Principal in discharging administrative responsibilities. The institute resolutely believes in providing quality education to the society. The Principal and HoDs play a vital role in the creation and implementation of policies, programs, and initiatives that fulfill the vision and mission of the institute. The administration ensures quality in areas like academics, discipline, curricular, co-curricular, extracurricular activities and examinations etc.,. Therefore, IQAC plays key role in assuring the quality of teaching learning process, research activities, infrastructure and availability of facilities to its stake holders. The faculty executes the policies of the institute and maintain a healthy relationship with the students and parents and communicate their grievances to the appropriate authorities. Non teaching staff discharges their duties by maintaining records, technical equipment and infrastructure.
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6.2 Strategy Development and Deployment

6.2.1 The institutional Strategic/ perspective plan is effectively deployed For an organization, strategic planning is very essential to accomplish the Vision and Mission, which it dreams of Strategic planning, is a continuous process with a specific focus on accomplishing institutional goals in this competitive era. Strategic Planning and deployment document is based on analysis of current obstacles and future opportunities and envisages the direction towards which the organization should move to achieve its set goals and objectives. The first part of it addresses the vision, mission which the institute dreams along with core values, institutional long term and short-term goals. These are defined and guided by the stake holders (management, leadership, HoDs, faculty, staff, industry, students, alumni and parents) through SWOC analysis. After analyzing the internal and external environment, the institutional goals were set up in all possible growth domains through continuous thought process and discussion with HoDs and faculty members. The strategies with action plans were decided to achieve institutional strategic goals. While formulating the strategic plan and deployment document, care has been taken to involve all stakeholders to help contribute their part which is vital for the success of every organization. Effort has been taken to clearly identify the implementation processes and monitoring by identifying measurable targets in line with the desired outcomes. This will emerge to be the guiding force for NRI Institute of Technology to achieve its goal to become an institution of Academic brilliance and providing proficient by skilled young Technocrats and Managers to the society.
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6.2.2 The functioning of the institutional bodies is effective and efficient as visible from policies, administrative setup, appointment and service rules, procedures, etc. The NRI Institute of Technology has a well-structured organizational structure which clearly shows the people responsible for various tasks and the levels of administration. The Governing Body is the highest body of the college and it is highest body of decision making. The Governing Body of the college meets two to three times in a year. In the governing body several issues pertaining to various academic, non-academic and administrative matters were taken up, discussed and appropriate decision would be taken keeping the student development as its central outline. The Governing Body strongly feels that the students should accomplish their desired goals and thus makes all the efforts (right educational methods – outcome-based education, infrastructure, equipment and tools) to creating a student centric environment. It follows the guidelines laid by the apex bodies like UGC, AICTE and JNTUK and comply them with utmost sincerity. The Governing Body continuously monitors the strategic plan and make suitable advice/direction for the administration to execute the plan. In addition to the governing body there are several statutory and other committees are in place to administer various activities related to academic, administrative and extension. Thus the governance of the college is more participatory and led by the governing body. This ensures holistic growth and development of the student stakeholders. Societal impact and responsibility are given prime importance by the Institute so as to contribute and promote sustainable socio-economic development through globally competitiveness. Employees benefits and Social Security
  1. All regular employees of the institution are entitled for casual leave, special casual leave, earned leave, medical leave, maternity leave & study leave etc., as per the college service rules and regulations.
  2. Enrollment of employee in Provident Fund & Pension Scheme organized by Employees’ Provident Fund Organization (EPFO).
  3. Enrollment of employee in Employees’ state insurance Corporation governed by ESIC.
  4. Payment of Gratuity on retirement as per Payment of Gratuity Act.
  5. Encashment of earned leave.
  6. Allowing concessions in fee for the wards of the employees studying in the institution.
  7. Festival Advance to non-teaching staff once in every year.
  8. Accidental Insurance coverage to all employees of the institution.
  9. Encourage employees to participate in the events conducted in and outside the college to exhibit their talent and skills.
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6.2.3: Implementation of e-governance in areas of operation
  1. Administration
  2. Finance and Accounts
  3. Student Admission and Support
  4. Examination
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6.3 Faculty Empowerment Strategies

6.3.1 The institution has effective welfare measures for teaching and non-teaching staff. NRI Institute of Technology, believe Employee Welfare is an essential part of the Institution. Welfare measures of an organization ensure in keeping up the self-esteem of the employees. They help the employees to work for longer duration. It enhances the quality performance, as they feel pleased, comfortable and passionate to work for the organization. WELFARE MEASURES FOR TEACHING AND NON-TEACHING STAFF The Institute provides:
  • A moral, fit, healthy and competitive, academic driven, student centered, supportive and
professional work environment to its faculty.
  • A chance to upgrade their qualification to acquire the higher educational degrees.
  • Infrastructure, library, equipment, required software and other resources for the researchers.
  • Reimbursement of membership fees of the professional bodies to the faculty.
  • Transport facility.
  • Maternity leave.
  • PF and ESI for Non-teaching staff.
  • Fee concession to the children of economically backward staff.
  • Special leave and financial assistance to participate in seminars /workshops /conferences / training and faculty development programs.
  • Study leave for higher education or for full time higher education programmes.
  • Encouragement to present and publish research papers.
  • Support to undertake minor/major research projects.
  • Training programs for the new entrants to improve their teaching skills.
For the Professional Development of Technical / Non- Teaching staff: The institution provides:
  • Training on laboratory skills, fire safety and first aid.
  • Training to library staff.
  • Encouragement to acquire computer operating skills.
  • Fee concession to the children of economically backward staff.
  • Festival bonus.
Amenities for teaching and non-teaching members:
  • Recreation programs, sports and picnics are arranged.
  • Grievance Redressal Cell.
  • Subsidized canteen facility.
  • Yoga classes for physical & mental fitness.
  • Wi-fi facility.
  • Personal Workspace.
  • Computing facility.
  • Medical and health camps.
  • Awareness programs related to health, bank loan facilities etc.
  • Appreciation and incentives to faculty for their professional achievements.
  • Fire safety, CC TV cameras to ensure safety and security.
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6.3.2 Average percentage of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies during the last five years. 54.73 Number of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies year wise during the last five years
2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17
  Related Input Number of full time teachers year-wise during the last five years
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
172 156 155 146 149
Total academic year considered : 5
Related Input
Number of full time teachers year-wise during the last five years
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
172 156 155 146 149
Total academic year considered : 5
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6.3.3 Average number of professional development /administrative training programs organized by the institution for teaching and non teaching staff during the last five years. 16.6 Total number of professional development /administrative training Programmes organized by the institution for teaching and non teaching staff year-wise during the last five years
2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17
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Total academic year considered : 5
Related Input Total academic year considered : 5
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  • 6.3.4: Average percentage of teachers undergoing online/ face-to-face  Faculty Development Programmes (FDP)during the last five years (Professional Development Programmes, Orientation / Induction Programmes, Refresher Course, Short Term Course ).      81.39 Total number of teachers attending professional development Programmes viz., Orientation / Induction Programme, Refresher Course, Short Term Course year-wise during the last five years
2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17
Related Input Number of full time teachers year-wise during the last five years
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
172 156 155 146 149
Total academic year considered : 5
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6.3.5 Institutions Performance Appraisal System for teaching and non-teaching staff.
Faculty members of Higher Engineering Institutions today have to perform a variety of tasks pertaining to diverse roles. In addition to instruction, Faculty members need to innovate and conduct research for their self-renewal, keep abreast with changes in technology, and develop expertise for effective implementation of curricula. They are also expected to provide services to the industry and community for understanding and contributing to the solutions of real life problems in industry. Another role relates to the shouldering of administrative responsibilities and co-operation with other faculty, Head-of-Departments and the Head of the Institution. An effective performance appraisal system for faculty is vital for optimizing the contribution of individual Faculty to institutional performance. The assessment is based on
  • A well-defined system for faculty appraisal for all the assessment years
  • Its implementation and effectiveness
The performance appraisal system details: The performance appraisal system of the staff is evaluated and ensured information on multiple activities is appropriately captured and considered for better appraisal through the following steps: Step 1: Yearly Self- Appraisal
  • Based on Academic Results
  • Faculty achievements such as research contribution (paper publications and funded R&D projects and consultancy)
  • Number of workshops and training programs conducted.
  • Memberships in professional societies.
  • Additional responsibilities contributing towards administration.
Step2: Student feedback on faculty. Step3: HOD recommendations. Outcome of the review of the performance appraisal reports: The decision taken is based on the outcome of the review of the performance appraisal reports by the management. It is conveyed by 1. One-one interaction 2. Discussions of general issues in departmental meetings Decisions: 1. The increments are given at the end of the academic year. 2. Knowing the status and capabilities of the faculty. 3. Identify the areas in which training is required. 4. Check the loopholes, if any, in the system or policies. 5. Taking the output of the performance appraisal, as basis to plan for the future to ensure right man to right job. 6. Enforced the training program. 7. Repositioned the employees according to their performances in their roles assigned to them. 8. Good performers are appreciated and encouraged further for better performance. 9. Reward/Award to the outstanding performers.  
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6.4 Financial Management and Resource Mobilization

6.4.1 Institution conducts internal and external financial audits regularly. NRI Institute of Technology has well defined mechanism to monitor effective and efficient use of available financial resources. The Institute has a system of internal and external audit. Internal audit may evaluate on improve the effectiveness of risk management and governance processes in the institutions. On the other hand an external audit is carried out by independent auditor in accordance with the law. The institution follows a well defined financial policy for effective and optimal utilization of financial resources for academic and administrative purpose. The budget is prepared well in advanced by taking into consideration the financial requirement of every department. Qualified Internal Auditor have been appointed and a team of staff under them do a thorough check and verification of all vouchers of the transactions that are carried out in each financial. Internal Audit: An Internal auditor is appointed to do the audit on regular basis. Internal audit helps to follow an effective approach to evaluate and enhance the effectiveness of financial transactions. The Institute auditor conducts the audit of accounts quarterly, scrutinizes and verifies all payments, receipts and journals vouchers of the transactions, cash books, ledger account and all bank accounts in every financial year. External Audit: An external auditor appointed by the MNK education society, executes the statutory audit. A thorough investigation and verification of all transactions carried out in each financial year. Based upon observations given by the internal auditor, action will be initiated. A copy of internal audit report is preserved. The external statutory auditor shall visit the institute office once in a year for vouching audit and submitting the final audit report. The proposals are made on different heads such as laboratory equipment, library expenses, salary payments, building and infrastructure, sports facilities and other maintenance expenses. The report of external auditor of the last year along with audited Balance Sheet and Income & Expenditure account is enclosed. After approval, the financial accounts, documents could be used for all statutory purposes. Finalization of the account is completed in June/July and audited statements are prepared in June/July duly signed by the Principal, and chartered accountant. The auditors prepare and submit the income and expenditure statement and Balance Sheet and Depreciation statement. Then audited report is submitted by chartered accountant Mr. CH.VEERA BABU & Co (Reg. No. – 007495S) and these financial documents are used for all statutory purpose. The external audit report kept open for reference to stakeholders. At the beginning of the financial year the draft budget is prepared and put up before the Budget Committee. After it is passed by the Budget Committee it is placed before the Governing Body for approval. Apart from the student fund utilization and revenue and contingency expenditure, emphasis is given for utilization of the development fund on infrastructure development. It may be noted that the state government pay the fees (through reimbursement) to all eligible students admitted into the college. Thus, the receipts are very transparent
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6.4.2 Funds / Grants received from non-government bodies, individuals, philanthropers during the last five years (not covered in Criterion III) 0 Total Grants received from non-government bodies, individuals, Philanthropers year wise during the last five years (INR in Lakhs)
2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17
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6.4.3 Institutional strategies for mobilisation of funds and the optimal utilisation of resources RESOURCE MOBILIZATION NRI Institute of Technology has very effective mechanism to monitor use of financial resources. The major source of revenue generation is tuition fees collected from students. The appropriate fee is fixed, as per the norms, by Fee Regulatory Authority of Govt. Financial budget relating to functioning of the institution for the forthcoming academic year will be prepared by duly considering probable income and expenditure. Every year, the budget is prepared well in advance after taking into consideration the requirement of every Department. Each Department prepares the budget based on the requirement such as equipment, computer as well as consumable required for next academic session. Principal puts up the budget in Governing Body meeting and after discussion and necessary corrections/modifications Governing Body recommends the budget for approval. The budget is reviewed by the management and approved after necessary changes. Quotations invited and evaluated, comparative statement is prepared, suppliers are called for personal discussion and after comparing all aspects from various suppliers, orders are placed. This ensures that right equipment is purchased at most competitive price. Further accounts of the Institution are subject to internal and external audit. Any discrepancy in internal audit will be brought to the notice of the Principal. RESOURCE UTILIZATION An annual budget is prepared to ensure optimal utilisation of financial resources, based on the estimates received from the departments and functional units of the Institute. The amount is sanctioned by the Managing Committee/ Board of Governors. Monthly statements are prepared for income and expenditure. Audit is performed periodically to ensure that the budget is optimally utilized for the purpose it is intended. The resources are utilized for the following as per the approved budget.
  • Employee Salaries & benefits are a major component of expenditure.
  • Furniture, Laboratory Equipment and Consumables, etc.
  • Library.
  • Skill Development and Innovation
  • Training & Placement.
  • Software procurement, up-gradation and maintenance.
  • Wi-Fi, Internet & Networking.
  • Student Services – NSS, Sports.
  • Power and fuel.
  • Printing and Stationery.
  • Postage and telephones.
  • Affiliation and Renewals.
  • Travel and conveyance.
  • Repair, Replacements, and Maintenance.
  • Taxes and licenses.
  • Scholarships to merit and poor students.
  • Campus maintenance.
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6.5 Internal Quality Assurance System

6.5.1 Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has contributed significantly for institutionalizing the quality assurance strategies and processes The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of the institution is a cell which continuously monitors the quality practices and ensures all the institutional academic policies thoroughly followed as prescribed by the apex bodies. The prime responsibility of IQAC is to initiate, plan and supervise various activities that are obligatory to increase the quality of the education imparted in the college. The role of IQAC in maintaining quality standards in teaching-learning processes and evaluation becomes crucial. Strategies of IQAC The IQAC Cell strategically ensures the quality of teaching-learning practices through stringent initiatives and measures taken such as:
  • Faculty Performance Appraisal
  • quality Research and Development
  • Improve API of faculty
  • Conducting FDPs
  • Training programs for Teaching and Non Teaching
  • Conducting Workshops and Conferences
  • Academic and Administrative Audit
  • Improve quality in maintain Infrastructure
  • Mentoring Students
  • Setting Bench Marks in Academics
Thus the IQAC monitors the continuous quality improvement of the academic processes. The two best practices and bench marked processes of the College are Infrastructure and Pre Placement Training. Infrastructure: CAC / IQAC infrastructure initiatives:
  • The institute increased the total number of computers from 350 to 650 during the last five years.
  • Internet bandwidth of 40 Mbps in 2015 was enhanced to 50Mbps in 2017 and 100Mbps in 2019 through multiple ISP connections.
  • The institute has online exam centre; TCS ION centre for online competitive exams.
  • Increasing the number of volumes every year in the central library and acquiring subscriptions for DELNET& J-GATE to make more books available.
  • A new set of classrooms and laboratories were constructed to accommodate the growing needs of the institute.
1. Pre-Placement Training: Pre-Placement Training classes are conducted by coaching institute like TIME, learning Curves, etc. In our college Pre-Placement Training Programme is named after Campus Recruitment Training (CRT). These classes are helpful for writing the placement exams and which is useful for thinking and development of students. Learned Knowledge ensures that the students develop confidence and are ready to face the selection. These are very much useful for students to write competitive, placement exams and higher studies. The above said mentioned programmes will be helpful students to communicate effectively with colleagues, employers, clients and customers. The objective of CRT Training: To control and give right module of preparing that meets the business needs and improve their employability abilities. The outcome of CRT Trainings is to
  1. The Placement cell along with the Training Department organizes sessions and workshops with industry experts that help the students get an insight into the demands and needs of the market.
  1. To communicate effectively with colleagues, employers, clients and customers.
  1. The Training & Placement Cell of NRIIT works hard to provide training and finally place them in industry.
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6.5.2: The institution reviews its teaching learning process, structures & methodologies of operations and learning outcomes at periodic intervals through IQAC set up as per norms and recorded the incremental improvement in various activities ( For first cycle  – Incremental improvements made for the preceding five years with regard to quality For  second and subsequent cycles  – Incremental improvements made for the preceding five years with regard to quality and post accreditation quality initiatives ) IQAC of NRIIT is adopting a well-defined review mechanism of Teaching-Learning process through
  1. Performance Based Appraisal System (PBAS) and online feedback Mechanism and
  2. Academic & ISO audits
Example 1: Review through PBAS and Online Feedback Maintainace of course file for every course by all faculties are mandatory in the institute. It is verified in the above three practices periodically. The verification includes
  • lesson plans along with teaching methodologies such as ICT based Teaching-Power Point Presentation, Visuals and Animations.
  • The ratio of classes taken and classes allotted as per the time table is evaluated to know the regularity of the faculty.
  • Learning management system like MOODLE also in practice for asynchronous learning, online submission of home assignments, conducting quizzes, dissemination of course material, etc. Setting of question papers in tune with learning outcomes (COs) as per Blooms taxonomy and their assessment and mapping with Program Outcomes is also verified and reviewed in PBAS verification.
  • Review of Semester end result analysis for the grades of students and CO-PO attainment are carried out.
  • The internal answer scripts of randomly selected courses are audited by committees constituted by the IQAC coordinator and principal for their appropriate evaluation.
  • Online student feedback for faculty is being practiced in all departments. Feedback is collected in middle and the end of semester to assess teaching proficiency of the faculty. Feedback comprises of punctuality, syllabus coverage, clarity of presentation, motivational abilities and maintaining the discipline in the class, etc.
  • It is also review weather all the students are attained the learning outcomes of a course through “course end survey” at the end of the respective semester.
Example 2: Review through Academic and ISO audits Academic audit is conducted to monitor the quality of teaching-learning along with other academic related activities. Internal and External thorough audits are conducted for all departments annually. Internal audit is conducted by the committee of senior faculty constituted by the IQAC coordinator and Chairman. The external audit is conducted by inviting experts from academic institution of repute. ISO Audit is being practiced since 2015-16 certification of ISO 9001:2015 at present. Internal audit is conducted by the committee of senior faculty constituted by the ISO coordinator and Principal, while the external audit is conducted for randomly selected departments annually. The Audits includes verification of the following criteria
  1. Monitoring of teaching-learning process
  • Assessment of teaching process in classrooms.
  • Random verification of evaluated answer papers and question paper during the semester.
  • Innovative teaching methods presented if any
  • Verification of course files
  1. Student performance indices – Minimum attendance, marks obtained in the internal examinations and grades obtained in external examinations
  2. Mechanism and activities for slow learners for their improvement and outcomes
  3. Student counseling /mentoring mechanism
  4. Tutorial classes for analytical courses
  5. Best student projects with awards
  6. Evaluation of innovative mini and major student projects
  7. Training programs conducted for students Seminars, workshops and Guest lecturers
  8. Scope for Self-learning through certificate courses / Online courses
  9. Activities of students in professional bodies and co-curricular activities
  10. Student success rate, Placements, Higher education
  11. Students feedback and follow up action
The recommendations of the audit committees are taken into the consideration for the improvement of academic quality in the department. Follow up action
  1. The identified faculty from the above review mechanisms are trained in VRSEC Teaching-Learning Training Centre by inviting experts from teaching- learning training centers of reputation (NITTTR, TLC-IIT Chennai, TLC-IIT Hyderabad, etc.). In addition to the above the faculty are also encouraged to attend professional development programs at institutions of higher reputation with suitable financial support.
  2. It is made mandatory to do at least one MOOCs from NPTEL, edx, Coursera, etc. to enhance their domain knowledge and modern technical tools.
  3. According to the result analysis, slow learners and fast learners are identified. Remedial classes are conducted for slow learners to make them up to the mark. Fast learners are encouraged to opt for CBCS in order to do semester long internship in industry and to attend various Techno-Skill programs conducted at outside institutions of reputation.
  4. “Bridge Courses” are conducted in identified courses in order to continue with their second year B. Tech program without any difficulty.
  5. IQAC initiated the Quality Circle approach for the benefit of slow learners and to promote student centric learning.
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6.5.3: Quality assurance initiatives of the institution include:
  1. Regular meeting of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC); Feedback collected, analysed and used for improvements
  2. Collaborative quality intitiatives with other institution(s)
  3. Participation in NIRF
  4. any other quality audit recognized by state, national or international agencies (ISO Certification, NBA)
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